Add EG V2 to your wallet manually

Ensure that you complete migration before trying to add EG v2 to your wallet

After you have migrated your tokens successfully via EGMigrate, you will get a confirmation that looks like this:

Click on "add EG v2 to your wallet".

If you have missed this, you can always add EG v2 to your wallet manually. Guides for MetaMask and TrustWallet are shown below.

1. MetaMask:

  1. In your wallet, click on "Import tokens"

  2. Add EG V2 Contract 0x74AFe449D1BEFfc90456CfEbD700AB391abD7DAF in the "Token contract address" box

    1. The Token symbol and Token decimal will be populated automatically.

  3. Click "Import" on mobile or "Add custom token" if using desktop

  4. You should now see EG V2 in your wallet.

2. TrustWallet

  1. Click on "Add Tokens"

    1. Click on the + sign

      1. You will see a form similar to below

      2. On the Token tab, change Network to BNB Smart Chain and enter EG v2 0x74AFe449D1BEFfc90456CfEbD700AB391abD7DAF in the Contract Address field.

        1. Name, Symbol, and Decimal will be populated automatically.

        2. Click Save

      3. EG v2 should now be added to your TrustWallet.

Last updated